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St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Church, Vineland, NJ Donates Baptismal Font to Manila, Philippines.
The Exarchate of the Philippines is a jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople governed by the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Hong Kong and Southeast Asia (OMHKSEA). As of 1 September 2009, there are some 560 members of this jurisdiction in the country, around 40 of those being expatriates. There are three parishes and three chapels in the Philippines. Below are two pictures taken at the Annunciation Orthodox Cathedral displaying the newly donated baptismal font.

Annunciation Orthodox Cathedral, Paranaque, Metro Manila
Father James, Lindy, Tine, Alexi, and Steve

Fr. James from Manila, Philippines, Annunciation Orthodox Church in Manila
The Annunciation church was consecrated by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I on March 5, 2000, during his visit to the Philippines. Two other churches, in Cataingan and Los Baños, have since been established, along with a few other chapels.

Newly Tonsured Anagnostis by Bishop Apostolos of Medeia
January 16, 2023
Yianni Kastrounis, Niko Isihos, Demitri Papadaniil,
Anthony Papadaniil, Niko Gerakios , Anthony Kaskabas
Bishop Apostolos of Medeia celebrates the birthdays of our parishionsers Kathy Mastoridis and Isabelle Kaskabas during the St. Anthony's Name Day Luncheon January 17, 2023
With heavy hearts we announce the passing of another member of our parish Fotini Dambalas , she went to be with our Lord on Tuesday, February 21.
The Funeral is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, February 28 at St Anthony G.O.C. 430 W Wheat Rd, Vineland, NJ08360
Viewing: 10-11 a.m.
Funeral Service: 11-12 a.m.
Burial afterwards at Siloam cemetery,550 N. Valley Ave, Vineland NJ08360
Funeral luncheon: Pegasus Restaurant, 445 Delsea Dr. Malaga, NJ08328
To those who can come and say the last goodbye and pray with her family are welcome!
Our condolences to her family and may GOD give them strength through difficult times
Kalo Paradiso Agapiti Fotini!!

"I would like to inform you that, as scheduled, the procession of the Cross will take place this upcoming Sunday of the Cross Veneration. The procession will take place at the end of the Great Doxology. We will proceed through the north, west and south of the nave and go around the table set in the middle three times. The veneration of the Cross will take place immediately after the procession. For those not present, they can venerate the Cross at the end of the Divine Liturgy. The Cross will stay in the nave until next Saturday."
Fr. N. Galanopoulos
Hi Everyone, we are now in the Easter season and at last nights Parish Council meeting we discussed several items for our church.
1) We are mailing out Easter cards and hope you will help with a donation
2) We want to start our Greek school and Sunday school programs and are looking for someone to teach our children.
3) We are getting ready for our annual Palm Sunday luncheon at our Community center. All are welcome. The fee is $10.00 kids under 12 and $15.00 for adults. We will have our traditional fish meal served fresh after church
4) We need volunteers for several items that need to be handled by others to help our church. I will be sending out a list soon for volunteers.
Our current Parish Council members are as follows:
Peter Sideris-- President
Efstratia Miller-- Vice President
George Papamihalakis-- Treasurer
Niki Katsabas Secretary
Kostas Kanakis-- Member
Yota Papamihalakis-- Member
Raphael Sofkos Member
Peter Sideris
October 2023 Bulletin
Philoptochos Greece Flood Relief Fund
Archbishop Elpidophoros Nameday Gala
Name Day Gala Form
Ambassador Awards Banquet
Ambassador Awards Banquet Flyer
Click on the pictures to enlarge